Artificial Intelligence is set to empowe ...

Artificial Intelligence is set to empower our Indian education system in 2020 and beyond

Apr 04, 2020

When you think about what the teaching process is like today, it may shock you, except for some specialized disciplines, that it is not so much different from what it was like 100 or even 200 years ago. Children in our country are gathered in a classroom and taught at a unitary level by a teacher, tested by unitary tests and assessed against a standardized scale of their results.

This is at odds with psychological developments and even common sense. We are not all the same and we should be able to develop our talents at our own speed through schooling. How can AI help with this? Let's see.

Personalized learning:

The biggest educational challenge that exists today is uniformity. Each child learns the same subjects in the same order, regardless of their skills, abilities, and interests. We are only given the right to choose their priority as we move into adulthood.

What if, with increasing difficulty, each student could be shown things that suit their individual profile in the right order?

AI-assistant trainers:

The downside to conventional learning systems is that many (students) are assigned to one (teacher). The best educational outcomes are obtained when the transfer of information is one to one, strictly. Since the recruitment of one instructor per student is not a viable solution, technology is the best way to supplement the void. A Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI program can be a great teacher.

Students can ask as many times as they want the same question, or ask different questions until they understand the topic.

Many creators of AI software claim that the robot teachers' significant advantage is that it is far more available than an instructor. Teens of today are used to asking and even enjoying systems like Siri questions.

We might expect grades to spike if a Siri-like instructor could be available for each subject. Shyness and the fear of being mocked is the main reason students don't ask questions during classes. No one is afraid of his or her phone or tablet, though.

Specific curriculum matters:

With the aid of AI, not only can you study the same content as your classmates, but you can go a step further and dig deeper into the topics you like most. Teachers can not go too far on a single question during regular school hours, but this is important for writing your thesis, for example.

Some students may only be interested in a particular area, particularly during college, which would allow them to become specialists. AI is able to create an individualized program of exciting parts for the learner. As the student learns, it can also discover related information through a recommendation engine system, just as YouTube suggests new songs from the same artist or genres. To teach the system about the quality of the recommendations, this could be combined with the student's rating regarding the materials they have obtained so far.

The cool thing about this approach is that it can offer a wide variety of materials, not just books, but pictures, videos, and even event invitations.

Virtual Worlds and Environments:

People are visual learners and, if accompanied by some sort of graphical description, more than 65% of us remember information better. This makes it very popular and useful for infographics. Starting with this idea, what if, like in the show "Magic School Bus," you could take a field trip to Ancient Rome to learn history or to understand biology through the bloodstream? It would definitely be much more informative and easier to remember than just reading a textbook on these topics. AI has the power to create these worlds and interactions that are truly immersive.

Immersive and Experiential Tech:

Technologies should always be seen as a process, not a target. Education's key goal is to learn in a fun, versatile and simple way to remember. When we think about non-industrialized societies, it is by doing the way their kids learn. Via AR and VR powered by AI, this natural way of acquiring skills is now returning.

The teacher can focus on better assisting those who need extra help by allowing the student to interact with the concepts they are learning about. However, because discovery learning produces clear neural patterns, children are less likely to easily forget what they are learning or need more hours of study. Increased reality will overlay information about existing media, making it pop out of the textbook or map, just as it pops up on a website. It helps students to learn more about what concerns them and completely ignore the rest.

No barriers whatsoever:

AI gives knowledge gift irrespective of location, language barriers or other barriers such as physical impairment. Even if at the beginning there is a lack of the consistency of such learning materials, it can be much better than nothing. There are already smart, automated translation systems and learning will be automatic democratization with the help of the Internet.

Surprisingly enough, over a quarter of a teacher's time is spent on boring, administrative tasks that take a lot of time and energy. The procedures of admission, registration and graduation could be done by computers, increasing the outcomes such as waiting for different lists and reducing potential errors.

For multiple-choice and single-response questions, AI could easily take over the grading process. Progress in the processing of natural language could help teachers grade even more complicated tests such as essays. Its technology is already being used in chatbots, it simply needs to be tailored to the academic needs.

That's the future, we all are hoping for?

As technology obsoletes some of the current knowledge, it is time to rethink how we learn and design new ideas for generations to come. A child only starting school now is likely to have several tasks that have not yet been invented. They will have to adapt as a given, not as a burden, and embrace novelty. AI can be a trustworthy research partner and a committed, non-judgmental mentor along the way.

About the Author: Srinidhi Ranganathan, India's Fastest Digital Marketer, Founder of - India's First Artificial Intelligence Powered Digital Marketing Company Led by Robots and Humans.

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