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NRT - Nutrition Response Testing

NRT - Nutrition Response Testing

Mar 09, 2021

By now you’re probably thinking, this guy has zero patience and so dismissing some or all of these ideas is a bad idea. That may be true and I encourage you to try any of the methods you're read about that make sense to you! Whether placebo or simply a better fit, I hope you discover a remedy that works for you!

Back to where I was at this point. Bear in mind I’m giving you the fast forward version of my pain odyssey – by this point, I was well over 18 months into trying various elbow pain cures and giving each a good month or more to work.

Let me diverge. Around this time, my dog started having seizures. Not only was I becoming a Google guru on golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow, I was knee deep in researching epilepsy and seizures in dogs. If it isn’t clear already, I’m not a big fan of medication – and medication for life. So I started down the path of a homeopathic route for my four-legged child and ended up getting brainwashed that it could work for my elbow pain! Heard of NRT? It’s promise is quite amazing actually and maybe worth doing for general health, but for elbow pain, not so much. 

I had gotten duped about nutrition curing elbow pain before only to find myself veering down an unexpected path on the Internet and reading about NRT, nutrition response testing. I’ve written about it in the food phase of my elbow self-treatment section if you’ve come across it already, so I won’t go into a lot of detail here.

While having failed with a food adjustment only regimen to fix tennis elbow touted on a shady website, this felt different. It was a combination of supplements not easily acquired through foods we eat as well as eliminating certain toxins that exist all around us. Think of it as peanut allergy – for most of us, peanuts are a quick snack and part of a ballpark experience. But for a few, peanuts can mean misery, illness and worse.

So toxins work the same way, which is how it was explained to me. We are surrounded by toxins. But what is a toxin to one may be a completely innocuous environmental factor to another. I bought into that and still may. Just not for curing golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow! 

As you must be expecting, this also did not work. It turns out, it didn’t work to prevent seizures in our dog either. I don’t write off NRT altogether but I’m also into this stuff – all natural, homeopathy, holistic. Yet I didn’t stick with the nutrients and supplements and toxin flushers. While a few of the elbow treatments already tried showed signs of slight improvement or temporary relief (as you've read through masking and not curing), NRT showed zilch in terms of results. Time to move on.

Another few weeks down the drain with the pain now fully a part of my life for 2 years, I found myself physically and emotionally drained more and more often. If you are anywhere near such a state, click here to jump to the all-natural, 11 minutes a day method that allowed me to go from chronic pain to pain-free in less than 2 weeks.

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