The Gift of Gratitude

The Gift of Gratitude

Apr 18, 2021

The Gift of Gratitude

By Jo Watt

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'The more grateful I am, the more I attract and flow with abundance Jo Watt Watt Unifies me'

The first time I learnt about gratitude was reading “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrnes. Not only did this book open my eyes to the Law of Attraction, but it opened up my mind to how powerful gratitude is.

Check out The Secret Movie documentary here:

So why is gratitude so important? Gratitude is one of the best practices we can adopt as we shift our mindset from scarcity to having enough as we show appreciation for what we have instead of what we lack.

When we are practice gratitude daily & really feel the feeling of gratitude, this creates more abundance and joy in our life and helps us to develop a positive outlook.

When we practice gratitude, we reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression and we create a better frame of mind and more happiness in our life.

A daily Gratitude journal is a great way to write out what we are grateful for. When we write 3-5 things we are grateful each day with positive words, we attract more like energy into our lives.

On the days when you find it challenging to be grateful, read over past gratitude journal entries, take a deep breath and remind yourself of the small things to be grateful for such as the air we breathe or waking up every morning alive or having a roof over our head and we can then move back into the gratitude vibration.

The more we practice gratitude the more it becomes a habit and we transform our mindset to be more positive. The more we are thankful for what is in our life, the more we attract what we want.

By practicing gratitude in the morning, we set ourselves up for the day, or if we practice gratitude before bed, we switch our focus from what stresses we’ve experienced throughout the day & allow ourselves to relax.

Another great challenge is the 21 Days Of Abundance challenge by Deepak Chopra. Here’s the link:

What ways do you like to practice gratitude? Feel free to share in the comments below.


Watt Unifies Me does not diagnose, prescribe and treat medical conditions and this blog is sharing information for educational purposes only. Always seek medical advice from a trained and licensed medical professional

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