12 donateurs


Apr 19, 2021


So, I started trying to develop some Membership levels! I had one, but had to delete it, haha! Still not filled but I'm working on it.

The "higher levels" are the annoying ones. I feel like I don't have much to offer so it's difficult to make it worth.. And let's be honest the highers aren't quite worth it because I'm just a err... low intermediate when it comes to art? xD But maybe some rich, generous soul would dare offer a copper for support! You never know! Haha

But anyways! Starting at $1 usd, it's a monthly membership, so if you feel like supporting me in that way, I would appreciate it soooooo much!

I also made a Patreon! Same, starting at $1usd if you'd prefer that, although honestly? This platform seems way easier!

Anyways, here's an old drawing of mine, but that I really love :D

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