
Apr 21, 2021

Hello dear basketcases,

I am writing to let you know that I'm no longer carrying on the wild basketry course in the same manner.
I will cancel the memberships and refund the remainder of the year for those who have paid for a years subscription.

I have thought long about this and apologise massively!

It's just not possible for me to carry on in the same way. I'm going to keep writing the tutorials throughout the year but at my own pace and they will be free.
This charging for the sharing of information wasn't sitting right with me and has also been adding a pressure that I've not been coping with. Monetary wise it's also not working out. I've been so stressed knowing I've got to create this content that I've not had anytime for weaving or restocking my lal online shop for months now and I'm really struggling to get by on what I'm getting from this.

The next post is still going to be Dandelion and the tutorial will be weaving a little Dandelion fairy basket but as it is, this year Dandelions here are no where near ready for harvest.. Need another two weeks I'd say before they're ready for gathering.

Also I'd love to keep the Facebook group going but have it as a place where we can all just share our creations and discoveries with wild fibres if folk are still up for that.

I feel really bad about having to do this but it's been making me a bit miserable and I just need to get weaving!

I really hope this is understandable and like I say I'm not stopping just taking it at my own pace without the pressure. As it's no longer going to be on a membership basis please sign up on the buy me a coffee as a follower to still receive the tutorials to your email. I will also link them on the Facebook group or you can just check the posts section on buy me a coffee here - Posts | foragedfibres (buymeacoffee.com)

Take care fellow weavers :)

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