What is the Difference Between Sadness a ...

What is the Difference Between Sadness and Depression?

May 01, 2021

In recent times, a commonly used phrase is "I'm feeling depressed." While it is essential to help the individual, we must improve our understanding of the differences between the two terms. Why? Firstly, it may help you. Secondly, you may be able to help someone or save a life.

Sadness is a normal human emotion to loss, disappointment, problems, and situations. Occasionally, experiencing sadness is a part of being human. There are several events in our life that can make us sad.

In our daily life, the most common phrases synonymous with sadness include: "feeling low", "feeling down", "feeling blue", among others.

A vital or relief-providing mechanism during sadness could involve crying, venting, isolating oneself for a brief amount of time and talking to someone. When sadness lasts for most of the day, for more than two weeks, it could be a sign of depression and professional help is recommended.

Depression is a mental disorder that affects many areas of a person's life.

The symptoms of depression include (but are not restricted to the following):

  • Loss of Interests and Enjoyment

  • Reduced Energy

  • Sadness

  • Hopelessness

  • Worthlessness or Excessive Guilt

  • Helplessness

  • Disturbed sleep and appetite

  • Significant unintended weight gain or loss

  • Suicidal ideation or suicidal attempts

Special Mention - Depression can occur in people of any age, gender, religion, and other demographics.

Key Takeaways

  • Sadness is an element of depression. Sadness is not depression.

  • Sadness is temporary or brief. Depression is persistent or prolonged.

  • Sadness is subjective (due to individual differences), whereas depression is diagnosed (based on universally accepted criteria)

  • Depression is among the most treatable mental disorders.

Reminder - Seek professional help, if needed. It will help you.

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