New Harp Music: Summation

New Harp Music: Summation

Apr 29, 2020

Today I'm publishing one of my own compositions called Summation. I started writing this in 2017 and have made several changes over the years, and I'm finally publishing it!

It is written for lever or pedal harp, playable on piano and is for intermediate to advanced players. It uses the highest string of a 34-string lever harp, so make sure your harp is at least 34 strings and has the high A string installed!

Summation is a rarely used word describing the sum or addition of events or properties, the process of adding things together. In this piece it describes memories, recollections or reflections, condensed into a small space of only a few minutes, releasing them in the process.

You can buy the PDF sheet music for the piece at my shop for one Coffee (€3).

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