Raphael Reiter
502 sostenitori
What does water taste like?

What does water taste like?

Jul 09, 2021

Hello friend!

So happy to send you my first official weekly letter! 

Here is the program:

  1. What does water taste like?

  2. News - pre-launched Transcendence in Meditation course! (get your 50% discount here)

  3. The thought I meditated on the most this week

  4. What | read this week

  5. Plans for next week

  6. Some improvements I want to make this week

What does water taste like?

Could you describe how water tastes like? And even better, could you describe the taste of water to someone that has never drunk a glass of water?

That would be a hard task indeed. It is the same thing when it comes to explaining love to someone that has never fallen in love, and it is the same thing for me, when I am asked to define transcendence into words to someone that has never experienced it.

I recently read a really interesting book by Alan Watts on Taoism.
There was a passage where he explains that the biggest challenge when it comes to philosophy, is that we are trying to define really complex systems of Life, with words. Words are the systems of communication that we, humans have created.

Although some languages are very complex, it is impossible to express the infinite potentiality of nature, of consciousness, and of the universe using these man-made tools. You see, sometimes, it is best that we don't try to explain things. It is best that we stay in contemplation and in awe maybe, in front of nature. To reduce some of nature's most complex systems with the words that we have, would reduce the awesomeness of nature.

My son is now 17 months old. Watching him sleep, I have always been curious about how he might think, dream and interpret events since his words are currently limited to "tata" "dada" "mama" "niania" and most recently, "statn niatn".

Young infants are fascinating to watch and to observe. Physiologically, their biomechanics are simply perfection. Their spines aligned perfectly, their hips mobile, and the way they get up, sit and move, is the only real way to do so. When babies are born, they are pure. One might say, that they are divine. They experience joy with such simplicity. A red plastic box can make them happy, simply because it is red, or simply because it is a box. Their bodies and their minds are not yet corrupted with humanity. And so the way they communicate and see the world is not yet downsized by the limits of their language.

They don't yet have word language. They just live, they just experience beauty, and love, and nature. They experience joy and other natural emotions. They just are.

Maybe our goal in life, is to go back to this state of pre-corruption. To this state of pure joy, curiosity and humor too. Maybe we are all born divine (especially daddy's little angel) and our mission is to get back to the way we were born into.


In other news! I am so happy to announce that I have finally pre-pre-launched the course: Transcendence in Meditation: a superpower for the Mind, Body and Soul. To celebrate, I have created a 50% discount code.

On a first come first served basis, you also get the opportunity to earn a 1 hour coaching session with me on zoom.

What I read this week:

What is Tao by Alan Watts. I mentioned it earlier. It is thought-provoking. Get your copy here: https://amzn.to/3AG44vT

The thought that I meditated on this week:

The way might be getting out of my own way...

My plans for next week:

Next week, I have scheduled a lot of super exciting things! I will be testing my new app Eudaimonia.ai that I hope to release during the summer! (more on that soon)

  • I will be working on filming and editing some lessons from the course

  • I will be recording some meditations for the 100 days challenge starting on August the 1st.

  • I will get my second vaccine shot on Monday!

  • I will (hopefully) launch my re-designed website (with meditation categories!)


Improvements I want to make this week:

  • Be more active posting small thoughts on Instagram and on Twitter

  • Make more time for open office hours

  • Be more consistent in my writing on the blog and on medium

Thanks for reading. I appreciate you all so much, and I am looking forward to our next interaction.

Love + Soul HUGS!

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