Quick Update!

Jul 18, 2021

🧙‍♂️ Good day! I hope you are well.

I am behind but working on the "At Sea" piece. That should be out later in the week.

Here's an update about the transition to Patreon. It looks like it will happen, but I am going to be changing things around in order to not create such confusion and hopefully grow our community.

Right now my thought is to have The Court Composer as a special exclusive "tier" within my Patreon page. We would continue as we are now with custom tabletop music. The custom music for hire item will be moved to my website (and members get a discount code).

There are a lot of moving parts to this, plus I need to plan for doing live music and get more written for the new album too...nevermind all the business stuff. :)

Thanks for sticking with me!


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