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About The Urban Historian

About The Urban Historian

May 21, 2020

The Urban Historian, has been delivering short courses and Heritage Walks in Paisley for many years.  Our tutor, and walk leader, Stephen graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in History, and went on to complete a Masters in Multimedia  from the then University of Paisley.    Stephen has worked as an archaeologist on many archaeological digs in Paisley, Renfrewshire and beyond, and has taught local history, archaeology and family history at the University of the West of Scotland and the University of Dundee.

Stephen is a former chair of Paisley Thread Mill Museum,  and a member of the Renfrewshire Local History Forum. In addition to this the Urban Historian has also advised the Renfrewshire Tapestry Group on historical aspects of the old County of Renfrew along with other historical projects for Renfrewshire Council.

Stephen’s personal research interests include the arrival of Christianity in Scotland, and the history and archaeology of Paisley Abbey. Current research projects include the management of the Burgh of Paisley, before and after the Reformation in 1560’s & the links of the Hamilton Family to the Abbey. The use of modern communication technologies such as social media and interactive displays within the heritage sector is also of interest.  Also of interest is the rise of linen and cotton thread manufacturing in Renfrewshire and Paisley and the history of the rise of thread manufacturing in Renfrewshire along with the history of the  Anchor and Ferguslie Thread Mills in Paisley and their national & international domination.

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