God is Great

Aug 09, 2021

Deuteronomy 10:14

God is great. God is immense and cannot fully be understood. We cannot understand the universe so how can we grasp Heaven? And God created both so how much greater is God to us?

What does it mean to us that God gave us life? Brought about life to the universe and us individually. Does it humble us to realize that God loved us into existence? May we never forget God’s greatness in our daily lives.

If God purposely created us, are we living out our purpose in life? How can we, if we move away from God throughout our lives? We should keep our focus on God as we go about our day.

May we live our lives accomplishing God’s will and not our own. We will have the urge to follow our desires and our ego but let us strive to always return to the Lord. To have God’s will done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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