Happy Birthday, Nanase Matsuoka-san!

Happy Birthday, Nanase Matsuoka-san!

Sep 09, 2021

Nanase Matsuoka loves anime and anime songs since her early childhood, and her dream is to work with voice, which she is living.

From her debut to January 8, 2019, she belongs to Dearstage Co., Ltd. She has been active as a freelancer since then but is waiting for contact with her office and work.

She joined AIKATSU☆STARS during her time at Dearstage and soon played an important role in the group. She was chosen for singing as Rin Kurosawa and Lisa Shirakaba in the original series, before being in charge again for Tsubasa Kisaragi, Koharu Nanakura, and Lily Shirogane. With a total of 5 characters in charge, this made her the only member to provide singing characters' voices more than 4 characters.

She enters ordinary high school and she graduates from junior college. Despite she doesn't go to vocal training, she has a good reputation for her singing ability. She is the type who wants to do anything. She is also interested in singing, anime, voice actors, theatrical performances, modelling, etc.


Happy Birthday, Nanase Matsuoka.

Anyway, thank you so much for everything you've done for Aikatsu, as well as for singing for Rin and Lisa in Aikatsu, Tsubasa, Lily and Koharu in Aikatsu Stars, and we wish you all the best in the future.

And let's send our gratitude for her as well on these accounts:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nanarin_ebc

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nns_matsuoka/

#AIKATSUSTARSのメンバー #aikatsu #singingvoice #歌声 #アイカツ #アイカツスターズ #黒沢凛 #白樺リサ #如月ツバサ #白銀リリィ #七倉小春 #松岡ななせ #nanasematsuoka #rinkurosawa #lisashirakaba #tsubasakisaragi #koharunanakura #lilyshirogane

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