New Therapist Time

New Therapist Time

Sep 18, 2021

Starting back with the Centre for Psychotherapy and the DBT course with a telehealth session on Tuesday with my new psychologist.

Missed my last appointment with the OT I had been doing DBT skills with privately since I was waiting on a Covid test - I'd been at the local woolies half an hour after a case, so i went to get tested to be sure. It was negative as expected and I'm not showing any symptoms, so all seems to be well. She works at the Centra also, so I'll probably catch her in there every now and then once groups start or I get to do in person psychology sessions. I'm really not that keen for telehealth, but I do have a webcam and desktop setup - though I do have to steal back my camera and set it back up in a good spot. Might do that tonight.

So, I'm excited and nervous and relieved that I'm starting with the new therapist and starting the new block of DBT. I'm relieved too that I don't have to be holding $190 cash each fortnight for therapy anymore, woo! Back into the public system we go.

In the meantime, I've been back playing GTA with Bruce - had a bit of a meltdown doing the fingerprint decoder in the Cayo Perico heist this morning since it's the first time in six months I've done that part, but he calmed me down, and we passed the mission on hard with bonus for time! <3

Other than that, been doing housework, putting together cute outfits and making sure I cook dinner each night. Been getting so that's been giving me the variety I seek, structure and guidance and yeah, much easier than ensuring I have fresh ingredients each night in lockdown.

I submitted my Disability pension paperwork last monday - lotsa scanning with my phone, reliving some bad memories and hospital crqap, and yeah. So that's in. Now we wait.

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