👀 A look into my Sacred Solo Ceremonies

👀 A look into my Sacred Solo Ceremonies

Oct 01, 2021

I hold my sacred solo sessions close and dear. It's not something that I have ever shared openly with anyone else, and as a practitioner, I will likely continue in that way. I do share this with my clients as it comes up, I share this in mentorship programs and workshops I find myself in with others, and if you've ever experienced a class of some sort with me, maybe you've felt the presence, the reverence, I have for myself in this human form as I release whatever emotions come up and completely sink into my own space on my mat. Side note: this is also feedback I've received from others noticing and had to let that seep into myself. I didn't quite realize the space I hold for and go with myself before these reflections.

I've realized that much of my life resides within this honoring, private space, and especially over the last few years I have grown less and less inclined to share. Yet, it is from this deep space that I feel called not to share from that my work does indeed come from. Therefore, in some capacity, it must be shared in order for you to understand the depths I've traveled to be able to hold you and meet you where you / others are at.

I've become enamored with this self-care space, because I realized it's really hard to go out into the world and have profound (spiritual) experiences, be it through traveling or retreat spaces or something else entirely, and then return home. Coming back is the hardest part, always. Coming back to the everyday, to the mundane, to family life; that's where it typically gets you. It's hard as fuck and I've dedicated my existence to the integration process. I see integration in a lot of things, not just in these big experiences, but in our everyday fears, anxieties and stressors that arise. When I refer to being a Shadow Weaver I mean that I help you walk the path in facing these fears and transmuting them through your resilient nature. That is your power. That is your birthright. As a human being.

These practices show up in countless ways. It's not just on my yoga mat, in a workshop or sitting for meditation. Sure there are foundations and specific practices, but the practice is in self-acceptance. Letting your self-awareness grow through continuously showing up for yourself and finding what works for your unique mind-body-spirit connection AND your unique life circumstances. In finding joy, play, rest, and community. To get to a place where you can allow yourself to cherish the beauty of being alive. I want nothing more than that for you.

It's not for the faint of heart, but I have a feeling you're a wild child willing to take on a challenge. It's why you're here.

I'll be opening mentorship spaces again once I'm home this Fall (November). I keep my client load extremely small, in order to give you the attention you deserve and remain grounded in my own personal practices. Keep it in mind and reach out if you have any questions.

👉 Next week​ ​I'll be sharing more about my retreat work in upstate NY - like, I chose to be out here 3 freaking months this year - what gives?! There's gotta be something special about that place...

Please let me know how this piece resonated for you - I would love to hear below in the comments!

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