Liz Riffle
42 sostenitori
Thoughts on having covid

Thoughts on having covid

Feb 02, 2022

Somehow I knew. I didn't go to the doctor for a week. I didn't go anywhere for a week. I've been snuggled up under a mountain of blankets and animals, medicating with mucinex and ibuprofen. Let me tell you, mucinex is kinda will make you high as fuck. Though that could have been the fever... I finally went to the doctor. They confirmed my plague ‐ridden status but also said I've passed the quarantine time and to just wear a mask if I go out until I get tested again. I've had allergic reactions worse than this, minus the delirium. Some of my dreams could have rivaled Mr Thompson's fear and loathing...

Now I just want the coughing fits to go away. I've got bills to pay and books to write so I can pay them. For that, I need a clear head so less of the skull duggery from the mucinex...but that means dizzy spells from the coughing and hacking and choking on phlegm. Ick.

Although....maybe the hallucinations would help my writing...

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