4 Dangerous Dental Emergencies You Shoul ...

4 Dangerous Dental Emergencies You Shouldn’t Neglect

Jul 29, 2020

Unpleasant accidents can happen to everyone. Leg fractures, concussions, teeth loss, and bruises are quite common injuries that require special medical attention. Unfortunately, many people don’t pay much attention to other injuries and think that they are insignificant. However, there are a lot of oral health issues that should be evaluated by the dentist as soon as possible. Here is a list of four dangerous dental emergencies you shouldn’t neglect.

1. Tooth fracture

Despite the fact that not every tooth fracture is painful, you should visit the dentist right after the accident. The reality is that a chipped tooth may accumulate food particles, dental plaque, and bacteria. If left untreated, such a tooth may rot and develop a cavity

Tooth fracture may occur in any part of the tooth. When the deep fracture occurs, people usually experience unbearable pain. OTC pain medications can ease painful sensations but you should visit the emergency dentist immediately. 

The most common causes of tooth fracture include car accidents, sports injuries, and chewing hard objects. It is important to understand that even if it’s hard to avoid such accidents, you should be extremely careful and pay attention to your oral health. You should know that teeth with tooth decay, thin enamel, and previous cracks are more prone to chipping. 

2. Tooth loss

There are a lot of factors that may lead to teeth loss. Accidents mentioned in the previous paragraph can cause not only a tooth fracture but it complete loss as well. However, knocked teeth can be placed back in rare cases. If the injury occurs not more then an hour ago and the tooth is not fractured or affected, place it in a closed container with milk or saliva and rush to the dentist. The dentist can place the tooth back and bond it. 

You should also know that if the teeth loss occurs because of gum disease, it is impossible to palace it back. Gum disease causes gum recession and other complications that may lead to teeth and gum loss. 

It is important to understand that the gap that appeared as a result of a tooth loss should be filled as soon as possible. The reality is that the neighboring teeth will move to fill this gap and this may lead to unpleasant consequences like face asymmetry, shifted teeth, and problems with bite.

3. Oral tissue injuries

If you have ever had gum, tongue, or inner side of the cheek injuries, you probably know that they cause severe bleeding and pain. It is important to visit an emergency dentist to disinfect a wound and evaluate the overall condition of your oral cavity. 

There are a lot of cases where people were in shock after the accident and even didn’t notice that they bite a piece of tongue or cheek. Despite the fact that oral injuries usually heal quite fast, they may require some stitches or at least a cotton swab to remove the excess blood from your mouth. 

4. Loose dental restorations

If you have noticed that your dental implants, crown, or fillings become loose, it’s high time to visit the dentist as soon as possible. You should understand that loose dental work creates a space that will be completely filled with plaque, bacteria, and food debris quickly. As a result, you increase your chances to develop tooth decay, bad breath, and gum disease.

Another important fact is that loose dental restorations will fall off sooner or later. If you will lose a dental implant or a crown, you need to pay for new prosthetics and wait for it. However, the dentist can fix loose dental work if the artificial tooth is in good condition.

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