So, what's going on here?

So, what's going on here?

Mar 17, 2022

Hey there!

If you landed here and are seeing this post, you may be wondering "hey, where the hell is the content?" Well, the truth is that I didn't get around to get anything written so far. BUT, I am going to give you a sneak peek into what kind of stuff I will post here.

You can expect posts about:

  • Minimalism and frugal lifestyle;

  • Anti-capitalist guides to personal finances;

  • Articles about society, culture, and (mayyybe) politics, through an anti-capitalist perspective;

  • Other interesting stuff that crosses my mind and fits the theme.

And if you're not yet convinced that my content will be worth following, you can have a look at the content posted on my Medium blog as well. Most of the stuff there is behind a paywall, BUT I will be sharing the friend link here. So, you won't need to pay for a subscription you don't want. :)

I would greatly appreciate follows and, if your budget allows it, a coffee now and again. You know how much writers need that stuff, myself included.

Thanks for reading, see ya soon!

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