5 Months of Maternity Leave from YouTube ...

5 Months of Maternity Leave from YouTube and BuyMeACoffee!

Nov 30, 2022

Dear everybody.

Some months ago I became a father for the second time. It's huge and hugely wonderful!!

I have decided to take 5 months of maternity leave. That means I will be taking a break for YouTube. However, do not fear because I will be back starting June. As a last video before I start my break, I have just released the Prelude sur le nom d'Alain by Duruflé.

You might wonder why I can't upload videos on YouTube during my maternity leave. Besides of course focusing on my little baby girl, there is also a bit of a technical side to it. The short story is basically that the church where I work full time gets subsidized from the government during my leave. If I start working on my YouTube (which the government looks at being a side job) they will lower the subsidy to my church. Thus, I have to stop making YouTube as long as I'm on maternity leave.

I fully understand if you want to cancel your membership in the meantime. However, I hope you'll stick around though. I will be back in start June with new content and recordings. After the maternity leave the first video will be the Duruflé Fugue that I didn't get to record in due time :-D

Thanks so much for all you have done to support my work!!!

Kind regards

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