Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

Feb 10, 2021

I have this mirror I love... it is always honest with me; Every evening I stand there with my black and white face, smooth and beautiful and with a bright smile I ask..

“Mirror Mirror, Am I a good person?”

”Yes my lady you are, you are still black and white” the mirror says.

There are some evenings I come home with a twinge of guilt for something I had did and I doubt myself. I still stand there staring at my black and white face and my bright smile and ask,

“Mirror Mirror, am I a good person?"

And the mirror would say,

"My lady you have made a mistake but you are still a good person, you are still black and white”

Once in a while I stare at myself and see cracks in the black and white and I panic, and I pray on ways to fix the cracks, I have become so good at it, a little make up here, a good deed there, a smile to a stranger, a confession of the truth, an apology here and before I know it the cracks disappear and my black and white face would be back to new and When I ask,

“Mirror Mirror am I a good person??”

The mirror would say,

"My lady you have made mistakes but you are still a good person, you are still black and white”

I walked to my mirror a today and stared at my reflection,

I cannot see the white,

I cannot see the black,

I cannot not see the face I love so much.

The cracks have taken over .

Mixing the black and the white

All I have left is grey........

So here I stand staring at myself terrified to ask..

“Mirror mirror...Am I a good person?”

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