

Mar 01, 2021



The search for longevity is hardly new. Before recent times, advocates for longevity fell into two general time periods. From the 16th century to the 18th century, individuals worked to extend the lives and vitality of elderly people; they believed senescence was a time of considerable worth. From the 19th century through the early 20th century, however, anti-age advocates generally depicted old age as a time to be feared and despised, devising myriad procedures in order to eliminate it entirely. While sharing little with the advocates of the early modern period, the recent anti-age movement clearly mirrors many of the beliefs of the longevity advocates of a century ago. Both groups not only see old age as a disease to be eradicated through injections and operations, but also argue that the old constitute an enormous economic burden. These beliefs reveal that the new anti-age movement, like its early 20th century precursor, is based on more than simple hair dyes, hormones, or diet. Rather, their ideas and actions ultimately serve to marginalize the very process of growing old.

Issue Section:

Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences

ACCORDING to anti-age advocates, the fountain of youth has finally been discovered. Rather than drinking from the mythical well, however, those who search for endless youth and vitality are urged to send in their $60 and receive the wonder formula of the “ingestible growth hormone.” Grow Young with HGH, the Amazing Medical Plan to Reverse Aging declares the title of Ronald Klatz and Carol Kahn's 1998 book (1). The human growth hormone, claims the book's advertisement, is a medically proven plan “to lose fat, gain muscle, enhance your sex life, decrease wrinkles, prevent disease, and reverse the aging process.” Once the hormone is consumed, the anti-age enthusiasts declare, age itself will no longer be an inevitable disease accompanied by disability and illness. Instead they promise, “new” and “revolutionary” advances that will “usher in a new modern age for humanity: the Ageless Society” (2, p. 3). The future of anti-aging medicine,” writes Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman, “promises the elimination of the disability, deformity, pain, disease, suffering and sorrow of old age. In a few decades, the traditional enfeebled, ailing elderly person will be but a grotesque memory of a barbaric past …” (3, p. 13).

The best collagen on the market!

  • Visibly reduces wrinkles,

  • Increases skin elasticity,

  • Helps in maintaining a youthful appearance,

  • Firms the skin and improves its natural beauty.

Collagen Select is a delicious tropical flavoured collagen drink that will look after the appearance of your face. Trust the quality that millions of women have come to love!

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No matter how old you are, you might think wrinkle cream sounds like something for your grandmother. But the truth is, the earlier you start taking care of your skin, the better! This means incorporating anti-aging products into your skincare routine, drinking enough water, eating right, and staying out of the sun, whether you’re in your 30s or are 70+. There are so many products out there (that promise so many things), it can be seriously overwhelming.

Do anti-aging products really work?

Yes! In Lab tests, we are able to see measurable improvements in skin’s firmness and hydration and a decrease in fine lines and wrinkles. The product below are star performers, but some powerful ingredients to look for when picking an anti-aging product are retinoids, hyaluronic acid (or similar humectants), niacinamide, and glycolic acid.

See what cosmetologists think about Collagen Select
Collagen Select is number 1 among anti-wrinkle products! As collagen decreases with age, the skin stops being firm and elastic. The Collagen Select food supplement was produced for women who want to preserve their natural beauty and healthy skin appearance for as long as possible. Collagen Select is tropically flavoured multi-ingredient product and contains as many as 9 ingredients. This product contains patented active VERISOL® collagen peptides, which stimulate collagen production and lead to the smoothing out of wrinkles as well as improvement in skin elasticity.

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This formula is enriched with Moldavian dragonhead extract, vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, as well as zinc and copper. All these components, together with hydrolysed collagen — Verisol®, form a unique compound which contributes to the proper production of collagen. Collagen Select improves the health of the skin, hair and nails, supports the maintenance of the proper condition of the mucous membrane, and protects the cells from the adverse effects of oxidative stress. This is undoubtedly a unique product which every person interested in maintaining a youthful appearance should try out.

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