New normal?

Nov 12, 2020

Well, I never thought I would be asking people to buy me a cuppa, but hey, Covid happened and the life of creative industry professionals got hit. Hard.

Our online shop basically died overnight sometime in April - no events, no markets, no balls - no need for people to purchase corsets, dresses etc.

Luckily, my book has been keeping us afloat and I have been using the time to work on the next publications - but that meant my Youtube content dried up a bit.

Making YouTube videos requires time and resources. If i can use the garments etc I have here, I do, but often people are asking for a specific era/style to be covered and that means I need to do research, purchase the fabrics, draft the patterns, make the garment. Then I need to find a suitable location, props - and book time to travel, film etc. Then you need to edit, purchase music, captions and finally you are ready to publish a free video.

Youtube advertising provides some revenue and that goes straight back towards creating new stuff, but it would be nice to get an occasional extra if people want to see more of my content.

At the moment I am able to produce 1, maybe 2 videos a month - but, fingers crossed, with your help i can get more done on that front :-)

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