Quick summary of what I've done in the l ...

Quick summary of what I've done in the last weeks

Apr 06, 2020

So first of all, I built https://covid19dailydigest.com, a daily newsletter. It was quite a new thing to do for me since I have never ever used an e-mail API to send automated emails every day, I learned alot!

After that I wanted to build a dashboard because I felt like the daily newsletter was not enough, it's now available at https://coviddetail.com. I got some really good inspiration from another site for the design and mainly focused on mobile on that project, it was much fun.

I have another idea for a dashboard like website which I am going to make live soon. Stay tuned!

During the time where I built these two projects I also joined the official Discord channel of the API I was using to retrieve all the data about COVID19. Soon I felt like help was needed and so I got involved into maintaining the NodeJS API Package for the API. I also refactored most of the APIs codebase and I learned alot from that. This is my first open-source project and it's something completely new and interesting for me after coding alone for over 5 years without anyone by my side.

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