Back to school essentials for autistic h ...

Back to school essentials for autistic highschool students

Aug 06, 2023

Sure, here's a detailed back-to-school supply list for autistic high schoolers, taking into account their specific needs and preferences:

1. Sensory Tools:

- Noise-cancelling headphones or earplugs to reduce auditory overload.

- Fidget toys or stress balls to help manage anxiety and promote focus.

- Weighted blankets or vests for sensory comfort and regulation.

2. Communication Aids:

- Visual schedules or planners to provide a clear daily routine and enhance organization.

- Picture exchange communication system (PECS) or communication apps for non-verbal students.

- Social stories or social scripts to aid in understanding social situations.

3. Organizational Supplies:

- Color-coded folders or binders for different subjects to help with organization.

- Sticky notes for jotting down important reminders and cues.

- Label maker to keep belongings and materials organized.

4. Writing and Drawing Tools:

- Ergonomic pens or pencils with grips for improved writing comfort and control.

- Highlighters or colored pens to emphasize important information.

- Drawing pads or sketchbooks to encourage creative expression.

5. Technology:

- Laptops or tablets with accessibility features for note-taking and digital organization.

- Text-to-speech software for reading assistance.

- Speech-to-text software for easy written expression.

6. Calming Supplies:

- Calming coloring books or puzzles for relaxation.

- Stress-relief tools like kinetic sand or squishy toys.

- A sensory break kit with preferred items for moments of overwhelm.

7. Safety and Identification:

- Medical alert bracelet or identification card with relevant information.

- Contact information cards in backpack or wallet.

8. Reinforcement:

- Preferred snacks or treats as positive reinforcement.

- Tokens or rewards chart to encourage positive behaviors.

9. Comfort Items:

- Comfortable clothing, such as soft fabrics or compression garments.

- Preferred items or toys that provide comfort and security.

10. Personal Hygiene Supplies:

- Sensory-friendly toiletries like specific brands of shampoo, soap, or lotion.

- Noiseless hand dryers or hand towels for the restroom.

Remember that individual needs may vary, so it's essential to communicate with the student, their caregivers, and teachers to ensure the best support possible. Additionally, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment is crucial for the success of autistic students in the classroom.

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