Remy Marie
2 sostenitori
Done With Final Edits/ New Goals

Done With Final Edits/ New Goals

Jun 30, 2021

After pushing myself for an hour and a half last night, I finally got the final edits for I’ll be There done! Yay! I met my deadline of having the major edits done by June! What’s next? I need to listen to the text to audio of the story and do a final read through. After that, formatting and then then the release! Oh I’m so excited to share this story with you. It’s one of my favorites so far.

In addition, I’ve also updated my goals! I’m putting my historical romance on the back burner and focusing on Quay’s story. As of right now, it’s at 40k words and halfway through the outline. To get this story published as quickly as possible I need additional funds. If you haven’t already, please consider donating or joining one of my memberships! Thank you.

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