Sorry I've been out of touch

Sorry I've been out of touch

May 12, 2022

Hello beautiful friends.

I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch.

It's been a tough couple of months for me in Sicily. 

My mother in law passed away at Easter after many years of illness.

My Sicilian family is grieving the loss of their matriarch, Nonna, Zia and mother.

Sending prayers to anyone else who has lost a family member at Christmas or Easter time it is difficult to grieve when others are celebrating.

Needless to say, I'm still on fully back on social media and blogging.

I’m still processing what happened and actually have been ill from all of the stress.

Perhaps one day I might be able to share with you exactly what happened with you in a post. 

For now, I’m still planning to take it easy for a while out of respect for my family's loss.

Thank you for understanding.

See you soon

P.S: Here is a poem I'd like to share with you.

In loving memory of my dearest mother in law💙


The bride has gone to her groom

after years of suffering and doom

Her last breath left her body tonight

as she struggled through the last moments of life.

May she find peace and light

as the wailing grief of her children

floats upon the veil between us now.

Go, sweet lady, mother and child

find those who are waiting for you

beyond this life and the next.

You are gone, but you are here

in our hearts, memories and minds.

Go with peace and light as we

weep, our hearts will be forever

heavier at your loss but it is

something we are destined to bare.

Go to your father and mother, they

have been waiting for so long.

There are so many there waiting for you, more than are here now.

She has gone to the home our restless souls seek, where all destinies end.

This is my prayer for you to the holy Maria della Stella on the days Jesus defeats death may he shine his light and guide Maria Stella to the heavens.

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