From the Desk of Roanna #81

From the Desk of Roanna #81

Sep 15, 2022

Dear friend,


बहुत ही ज़्यादा बात है करने के लिए लेकिन time ही नहीं हैं!!!

That reads as ‘Bahut hi zyaada baat hain karne ke liye lekin time hi nahin hain’ meaning I have a lot to talk about but time doesn’t support it, presently.

This is partly true. I have stuff to say but rarely have a topic at the forefront of my mind before letting it spill. When I start writing, I just go, and the Heart reveals itself. Whilst writing this, I am wracking my brain too - I know I remembered bits of an interesting dream I had this morning when I awoke. I didn’t record it in time and lost it. I hope it comes back to me.

Do you record your dreams? What do you think of noting them down, whether or not you believe in this kind of thing? Have they brought you interesting things, in the way of answers you seek in your waking life or help regarding the way ahead? Do you dream of strange things, frequently, or familiar faces and things? Are your dreams easy? Are they addled with conflict and turmoil? Do you experience blank dreams, or no dreams at all sometimes?

I’ll go, first 😅

(The choice of emoji is because it’s an inside joke. I mean I am talking to myself, here!!!)

Yes, I record my dreams. I think they are interesting to note down - not only do I believe in ‘this kind of thing,’ I write them down when I remember to even if it makes little sense at the moment. They have, over the past two years, brought me information and insights I can use in my waking life. There have been instances where I have sticky relations with a person and if that is at the height of my personal journey at the time, it will somehow come to me in a dream, whereby this plays out in multiple different realistic ways.

Without being annoyingly vague, I’ve had difficulties in the recent past with someone who I’ve not been able to face. In their dealing with me, they’d act in ways that troubled me that made me, at times, feel unsafe and unsure in their company. It wasn’t a connection that felt easy or fulfilling anymore. It felt like I’d have to continue stuffing myself away or keep inner me ensconced to be in compliance with this person. Anyway, a few dreams I’ve had required me to face up to this person, be clear and issue direct ‘No’s. This wasn’t happening anymore. It helped.

There is more to ‘stuff getting worked out’ in the etheric realms. You have to be in touch with yourself and be doing your self-care work to be able to reach places of healing you desire. The magick is in every step, combined. Next question. I dream of strange things all the time!!! It’s fun. The amount of visiting I’ve done in my dreams is crazy. Places I haven’t been to... Supermarkets, shops, malls, cities. People’s homes!!! Familiar faces appear often. Unfamiliar faces used to pop up in my younger years, it happens lesser now. Incidentally, since the Pandemic hit (2020), celebrities and YouTubers I watch have been part of my dreamworld. Strange, interesting.

One memorable dream featured me meeting Rihanna at an event and telling her about wanting to do illustrations for her and she looking at me all amused, curious and suspicious whilst humouring me nonetheless!!! I proceeded to give her the business cards I had on me which were, unfortunately, in shoddy condition. She gave me a scolding but friendly look and took my card despite its less-than-presentable form.

My dreams are easy, these days. They rarely feature conflict and turmoil unless there is something going on in my waking life. Blank, empty dreams are not something I experience often. I wanna research on how that might be possible for people who have no dreams in that sense. It’s peculiar, I would not love it.

That was a buttload of dream talk! We only but scratched the surface.

I think a precursor aspect to gaining more understanding on ‘better sleep & healthier dream states’ is... What are your nighttime rituals? What do you do before bed?

These are some things I do (not in order, necessarily). I don’t do them all or at the same time, each time. It depends. These activities calm and temper me to some extent. An effect of my self-care practice and working on my mental health is that I rarely have a sleepless night now in comparison to before (Blessed be!); my ‘sleeping’ used to be out of whack until mid-2020.

• A hot bath; sleeping grimey never works for me

• ASMR videos!!! (Edit addition. I nearly forgot to add this in. This is one of the primary self-care rituals that got me onto the Path.)

• Avoid arguments and/or heated discussions

• Avoid the habitual ambling down Twitter corridors late at night

• BuzzFeed quizzes: The personal ones are my fave!

• Doing the nightly Wordle game (Tiles on NYT too)

• Drinking: Chamomile tea, Turmeric tea

• Eating dinner or your last meal/snack of the day some 3-5 hours before sleeping

• Essential oils: Lavender

• Journalling; noting down 12 Significant Things about the day that was

• Lavender scented bath and personal care products (Vanilla on warmer, special nights)

• Listening/watching a Pick-a-Card reading by a Reader I like and trust (or get on with - even if parasocially)

• Listening to sound frequencies

• No calling or texting

• Not drinking a crazy amount of water 2 hours before sleep; I do drink 1 glass before bed

• Reading a book (I haven’t done this in a while!) ;-;

• Sleep meditations

• Sleeping on a ‘made’ bed - sheets, clean and crease-free (my preference!) and tucked in

I can’t think of more!

Sweet dreams ☁


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