My super-secret serial novel

My super-secret serial novel

Jan 18, 2021

Hey Guys!

As I am publishing my Necessary Arrangements novel, I am writing a new series with the working title of "Shadows."

The first chapter is under way, and I'd like to share it here with you by posting weekly chapters.

Bare in mind, these chapters will be in a raw and unedited form, with typos and perhaps plot holes. Feel free to reach out and point those out to me. Once the novel is done and ready, it will go on sale and disappear from here. So read it while you can and enjoy it!

Trigger alert: my works contain explicit sexual content, strong language, violence and other potentially offensive content. Reader discretion is advised.

First chapter will go up by February 4th.

Sign-up to my weekly newsletter to get these chapters delivered to your email every week.

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