Sangita Ekka
3 sostenitori
A decentralised approach to work and hus ...

A decentralised approach to work and hustle life

Nov 27, 2021

Dear reader,

If you do a quick search on the term - decentralization, Google will quickly point it out as a political ideology where the core of the decision making process is with a group or an individual as centre and connected to everything else in the picture.

In my perception and opinion, it is a powerplay of controlling everything without moving too many fingers. If you think about this, centralisation is at the core of our structures built so far.  The core decisions which shape our days, months, and years have a top-down approach by default. We see that in our households, schools, jobs, and governments. 

The decisions trickle down from a certain group/individual who posit superiority through pre-established structures which further aid in widening the power gap.

If that didn’t make sense, try answering a few questions:

  1. Who is the last person at your home for a decision to have a final approval seal?

  2. How long does it take for you to voice your concerns to upper-management? 

  3. How long does it take for resolutions to be actually implemented?

Defined loosely, in a centralised structure the decisions are in the best interest of the individual or group. It may or may not always be objective. A decentralised system is the exact opposite of that.

The purpose of writing about it so far is to share a perspective; both models have pros and cons, and it’s okay to not know it all. This YouTube video is a good example explanation within the context of the workplace. 

Now how does this relate to work and hustle life?

#1 Decentralising work

For the working population, the 24 hours are planned around the 9-5 job. It is important, it keeps food on the table. The rest of the activities are squeezed in the remaining time of the day. This goes on for at least 5 days in a week, for years. 

Decentralising work is to forge an identity outside of your immediate employability. It means, though there is a dependency of a monthly paycheck, it is still a responsibility to network on your own, develop skills, freelance, work on projects where you could be a total newbie.

Do not give your employer the sole power of putting bread onto the table. 

Having said that, it would still be a privilege to pull that off. However, knowing how your organisation operates positions you better to demand changes for your own good.

#2 Decentralising hustle

Only a hustler can understand another hustler.

While the 9-5 job-life is important, it is not all. There will always exist a set of people who would want to take risks, look for solutions, ideate, implement, network etc and they would do it with sincerest honesty. This is the club where artists, activists, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs meet.

It is tricky to define a decentral approach for hustlers because no two paths are the same. However, be it a product or idea, few factors like expanding demography, reach beyond social media, diversified portfolio, and a global audience in mind is a way to decentralise.

I hope it made some sense. This post is not the go-to content for this concept but I hope you took something from it. Next time I would bring insights from creator economy and how a decentralised approach could prove to be ideal. 

I’ll see you next time.



Some more reading:

I hope you may find the following reads useful too:

  1. Social media insights and tips for creators

  2. Earning my first $1 online

  3. Why people hate Sakura from Naruto

Expanding my newsletter space to more creators, feel free to check these products, and I'll see you next time

  1. Monetize your Instagram for beginners checklist:

  2. Advanced internet business start-up kit:






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