New Dog Essentials

New Dog Essentials

May 19, 2022

Welcoming a new pet into your home is a time of excitement and uncertainty. You want to make your new family member feel at home as quickly as possible without disrupting your current home environment too much. As much as you want your new best friend to become part of your family quickly, they need to learn to adapt to you as much as you do to them. Adapting to the environment is the same for any new addition to your home, whether it's a new baby, housemate, or family member who has come to stay. Making a secure, loving, and stable environment for your animal is necessary to ensure its behaviour is the best it can be. You may be taking in a rescue dog with specific behavioural issues that you might need to consider and be more patient with. Whether your canine addition is a puppy or an older dog, there is always something to learn about them. There are always certain things you will need to look into acquiring and learning about to be ready for your furry arrival.

Home Environment

If you already have pets, you will know how important it is to consider making your home pet-proof. Pet-proofing might be a slight shock to your system if this is your first pet, as you might not realise just home many wagging tail level items you have that could be susceptible to breakage. If there are certain rooms that you don't want your dog to have access to, then you might need to invest in a baby gate. If you are fitting gates before your new arrival comes to live with you, it is best to do this a few weeks in advance and get used to using them yourself. If you have a garden space, you will need to keep on top of mowing the lawn to easily remove any waste your pet makes. If keeping on top of your garden isn't something you have been very good at previously, see if you can find a local gardener to come round once a month (or more frequently in the summer months), so it is one less thing to think about. If you already have the equipment for gardening and lawnmowing, then this is also a great job to give to a teenager for some pocket money. 

Walking Schedule

Different breeds of dogs will need varying amounts and lengths of walks, but all dogs do require plenty of exercises. When deciding on the right pet for you, this is something you need to consider seriously, as it's unfair on the animal if you can't provide for its basic needs. You may need to set an earlier morning alarm if you are out of the house a lot and make sure you can safely take an evening walk. If you are away from your home a lot for work or other commitments, you will need to consider hiring a dog walker. There are lots of expenses to having a dog, and this is undoubtedly one you need to think about carefully. Having a healthy dog means a dog that has plenty of varied exercises. Try to consider your usual weekend/evening activities and see if these are dog friendly; if not, you may have to adjust your lifestyle accordingly or pay for further services.


A well-trained dog leads to a happy animal and a happy owner. While the thought of training might seem overwhelming if you have never done it before, there is so much great advice available in books, online, and even in dedicated magazines. You might need to train your dog for various reasons, but there is always help available regardless of the breed and age. A patient attitude and understanding of your animal is the best approach and having tools such as a dog whistle, treats/rewards, and plenty of time is a must. Your relationship with your pet will improve once you have trained them well, and it also helps to make sure that both the dog and the people around them are safe.

Health & Grooming

You will need to look into pet insurance and find a policy that works for you. You can compare policies online and make sure the right options cover you for your animal. It's essential to understand your dog's health history if you are acquiring them later in their life, just to be prepared for any health issues that may arise. Having prior knowledge of your pet's health may not always be possible if they are a rescue dog, in which case you will need to have more general cover from your insurance policy to be on the safe side. Having the reassurance that you are covered in the unfortunate circumstance of your pet becoming unwell can be a weight lifted from any worries about your beloved animal. 

Dental health is vital for your dog, so make sure you find the best ways to keep their teeth strong and healthy.

You will need to speak to a dog groomer about your animal's needs, as grooming is crucial for their health and appearance. A regular good grooming routine prevents skin conditions and issues with temperature regulation and is enjoyable for most dogs.


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