Norma Pearson
18 sostenitori
Are You Exercising Too Much?

Are You Exercising Too Much?

Jan 26, 2021

Are You Over-Training? How To Spot The Warning Signs....

How do you know if you're exercising too much, and what to do to prevent over-training syndrome.

Over-training is a phenomenon that I see a lot in my work as a group exercise instructor and fitness professional.

You know, that friend who's ALWAYS at the gym even if it causes arguments at home, who powers through millions of high intensity classes and says she'll rest when she's dead.

Yep we all have one friend like that.

Maybe you're that friend?

Here are 12 classic signs that you may be over-training, where the training load is more than the body can cope with. Do you recognise any in yourself or in someone you know?

12 Signs of Over-Training Syndrome

1) Sessions feel harder

You're doing the same workouts but they feel more effort to get through. Maybe you've noticed your running times getting slower or you're not able to lift as heavy.

2) Injuries, aches and pain

You're getting a frustrating run of injuries, or maybe an annoying niggle that won't go away no matter how much you stretch, foam roll or massage.

3) Muscle fatigue

You're recovering more slowly after a session, and your muscles ache for longer.

4) Mood swings

It's an emotional rollercoaster. You feel irritable, anxious, tearful, low and everything in between!

5) Losing your mojo

It's hard to feel enthusiastic about activities you used to love. Everything becomes an effort, even if you know you'll feel better afterwards.

6) Less resilience

You used to love feeling the burn in a it's just painful and too much effort.

7) Weight gain or loss

Unexplained weight gain or loss despite eating well most of the time and keeping to the same eating habits.

8) Cravings

You get urges to consume sweets, cakes or caffeine as a quick pick-me-up.

9) Low appetite

High energy / intensity workouts make the body produce more adrenaline and cortisol which suppress appetite.

10) Feeling tired

You wake up feeling unrefreshed, need to take a daytime nana nap and feel drained by the evening. Over-exercising can reduce the amount of deep sleep you get.

11) Colds and sniffles

Upper respiratory infections are really common symptom of over-training. Exercising hard stresses the immune system so it doesn't tackle bacteria and viruses as well.

12) Higher RHR in the morning

Waking up with a higher than usual Resting Heart Rate (RHR) is a sign that the body hasn't recovered fully and is fighting low levels of inflammation. Training again in this state will put your body under even more stress.

It's important to recognise signs of over-training and if you're becoming obsessive about working out. Explore the reasons why that might be happening and work on your underlying stress triggers to maintain a healthy relationship with exercise.

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6 Steps To Prevent Over-Training Syndrome and Keep Exercise Healthy - Members

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