Why Are All Tech Giants Turning Towards ...

Why Are All Tech Giants Turning Towards The Metaverse?

Dec 31, 2021

These days all conversations are revolving around the term Metaverse.

And like most recent innovations, it’s become a buzzword. 

Let’s agree that talking about the idea of a virtual world makes a person look smart. 

Remember the movie matrix? Well, most conversations end there.
But to take this conversation further and apart from the mainstream discussion let’s dive in a little deeper to understand what the main proposition is.  

Coined by the author Neal Stephenson – the term Metaverse was used in his 1992 science fiction novel “Snow Crash”.

I haven’t read the book, but from what I’ve researched Neal had beautifully put words together to depict a scene of a virtual universe with 3D buildings, virtual environments, used lifelike avatars as the characters and built a story around this.................


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