Feeling helpless

Aug 24, 2021

Everything is terrible right now. The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan is just the latest in a long line of disasters. We are still losing people all over the world to this terrible pandemic. There are stark inequalities in almost every country on Earth based mainly on race, gender, sexuality and poverty. And perhaps the most worrying thing is the ongoing deterioration of our natural ecology, I fear the current droughts and wildfires are just a taste of much worse to come.

It seems that whenever I read the news recently I end up feeling either sadness or anger, or more commonly both. But mixed in with these emotions is always a crushing feeling of complete helplessness. While I can try to do the right things personally (recycle, wear a mask, treat people with respect etc.) I have almost no effect on the greater problems that we are all dealing with. I know I'm not alone in feeling this way, I'm sure that practically everyone has to deal with these emotions to some degree on a daily basis.

Of course the big question then is, what do we do about it? Unfortunately I don't have an answer to that. The problems are too big to have simple solutions and the solutions that do exist will never be fully implemented, mostly because of rampant capitalism but also in part due to prejudice and lethargy.

As individuals we can have very little impact on the world, especially a world that puts so much more value on profits rather than life. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. Although each of us has very little power to enact meaningful change, everyone reading this has one very important tool that can make at least some difference. We have access to a global communication network.

Thanks to the internet and social media we are all able to share information and coordinate our efforts. One person voicing their displeasure at something is ineffective but a million people signing a petition demanding change may help. A dozen people boycotting a polluter will barely be noticed but if thousands stop buying from them then we can hurt their business.

In many ways I am an object lesson in what we can do if we unite. I only have a home because a large number of people came together on social media and made it happen. If it can work for me then why not for other things?

So make posts about things that anger you, write blogs about things you are passionate about, make videos about injustices and, when you see others that have the same concerns, share them with as many people as possible.

Always remember, we are stronger together.

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