We connect...

Feb 05, 2021

We connect...

We connect when a conversation feels two way. 

We connect when we’re free to share the depths of our heart. 

We connect when we ask questions and listen. 

We connect when what’s on our minds is welcomed from the start. 


We connect when we have time to dig deeper. 

We connect when concern for who we are is parked at the door. 

We connect when the rules of engagement are clear by all taking part.

We connect when we don’t feel judged for pushing too little or too hard. 

We connect when our difference is accepted. 

We connect when we both invest and both try. 

We connect when we feel that we all can speak. 

We connect when we make contact with eyes. 


We connect when we each have a turn and we want one. 

We connect when we accept that we all have stuff to learn. 

We connect when we give others our focus. 

We connect when all parties feel heard. 


We connect when we acknowledge similarity and difference. 

We connect when we park preconceived ideas and beliefs at the door. 

We connect when we accept that everything cannot be perfect.

We connect when our discussion is more important than the papers waiting on the desk and the floor. 


We connect when we believe it is possible. 

We connect when we give enough space and enough time. 

We connect when it’s what matters. 

We connect when we do all that we can to keep that connection alive. 

Some explanation 

I miss physical connection; same room tactile connection with loved ones and friends. But I don’t lack connection. It would be the icing on the cake. 

Some of the best conversations I’ve had in life have been by zoom. Deep meaningful connection - aided by investing in the above. 

It’s not always easy; distractions about. But my intent when I speak with others is to put as much of the above into practice in the moments I share with you. To honour those few minutes we have. If I can’t give you that; why schedule the call for then. And if you have to, acknowledge it and make tweaks. 

My zoom is not the zoom of which you speak; discuss the environment you need whilst on zoom - to create the outcomes and feelings you seek. 

You just might be trying to do too much with too little time which makes those ‘only’ 30 minute or even more challenging 2 and 3 hour ‘virtual’ meetings feel so bleak. 

Be kind. It can be better. Invest in the above.

I need to put the technology into my parents so that they can zoom. It’s been a year. That is the lack of connection of which you speak. 


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