Hello and Welcome!

Hello and Welcome!

Mar 03, 2021

Hello and welcome to my first post on Buy Me A Coffee! I do hope you're keeping well today, I know it can be difficult at the moment but hopefully there's some light at the end of the tunnel with the new roadmap out of lockdown.

I know so many of us have been struggling throughout this pandemic and various lockdowns and for some if us it could be the first time you've felt this way. And that can leave us feeling lost and confused, because perhaps we're not used to feeling this way and don't know how to manage these new feelings.

I'm here to tell you that it does get better, there is light at the end of the tunnel and however you want to approach the return to 'normal life' is completely fine. Some people want to get out there and lap up the life they've been missing, whilst others may want to phase their return to socialising.

I am excited to go out to my favourite restaurants again, although I'm not looking forward to being surrounded by loads of people, and that's coming from someone who works in one! I hope the social distancing rules stay in place because I've kind of become used to them.

I don't know about you, but during the first lockdown last year, I started to become very anxious during trips to the supermarket. I found that even standing next to someone in the biscuit aisle gave me anxiety and a touch of agoraphobia. When the shop was busy, I didn't like it at all.

It's become better as the months go on and I'm better now than I used to be. I find I'm better when the shop is quiet, it's not easy trying to distance whilst there are two of you wanting the same cereal!

Anyway, this post is already long enough! I guess I just wanted to say that however you feel about the impending easing of restrictions, it's completely fine and there are people out there (like me!) who may be feeling the same way. Plus there are plenty of organisations and charities out there should you need to talk.

Never be afraid to reach out, it's OK to not be OK and there are people out there who are willing to listen.

Sending lots of love,

Sunshine Sarah xo

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