It's been a while

Dec 01, 2021

I have officially been travelling for 3 months today! It feels really weird to have been nomadic for this long and I can see how some people get used to it and do it for years. Now I am in the Balkans, money definitely stretches a lot further and the cost of living is considerably cheaper.

As I type this I am actually waiting to have a chat with a journalist from one of the big UK newspapers. All being well I should get a nice tidy fee out of it and positive promotion for surrogacy. I have always said if my publicity attracts just one surrogate then it will be worth it! Another set of intended parents turned family.

I'm not really sure what brought me over to this website today, just a place to type out my thoughts I suppose. I really enjoyed reading my last post - I remember being that heavily pregnant and watching the due date come and go. It was a tough time but equally I cannot wait to do it all again!

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