Breed Index

Aug 16, 2022

Celestrial - Also known as 'angels.'  Can lose their powers and wings, known as 'falling.' Once a celestrial has fallen, they're rumoured to be as weak as humans. 

Magic class - Unknown

Origin realm - Unknown

Daemon - Druids who choose to ascend into black magic. In return for more power, they sacrifice their bodies and sanity.

Magic class - Black

Origin realm - The Nether (also known as Hell)

Druid - Born male, druid genes are inherited from the fathers. When they come of age they must tattoo a siphon, known as a glyph, around their wrists to better control their arcane.

Magic class - Natural/Arcane. Can be strengthened with Ley Lines

Origin realm - Earth Side

Druid/Guardian - Druids who were cursed with a 'beast.' Their bodies are designed to battle Daemons.

Magic class - Natural/Arcane. Can be strengthened with Ley Lines and glyphs.

Origin realm - Earth Side

Beast - Unknown

Fae - Umbrella term for anyone from Far Side. Includes faeries, selkies, pixies etc.

Magic class - Wild Magic

Origin realm - Asherah of Far (also known as Far Side)

Ghoul - Name for a failed vampire transition. Primal instincts only.

Magic class - N/A

Origin realm - Earth Side

Human - Class themselves as the 'original' species on Earth Side. They have no access to their chi.

Magic class - N/A

Origin realm - Earth Side

Shifter - Born with their animal. Are not infectious. Usually live in groups with a strict hierarchy.

Magic class - N/A

Origin realm - Earth Side

Witch - Humans who were gifted the ability to access their chi. Magic originated from the four elements, diluting through generations.

Magic class - Arcane, Natural (plants) and Black.

Origin realm - Earth Side.

Vampire - Humans who have been infected by the Vampira virus. Low success rate. Must feed from a live source, surviving on proteins found in fresh blood.

Magic class - N/A

Origin realm - Earth Side

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