FiveM Ban

Apr 02, 2024

Dear Reader,

If you have found yourself perusing this message, it is likely due to your past endorsement of my endeavors or through referral by an unaffiliated individual, Noor_Nahas of PopcornRP, who appears to be actively monitoring and redistributing community content.

As you may or may not be aware, I was previously subject to a six-month ban from FiveM commencing in 2023, initially scheduled to conclude on February 1st, 2024. Regrettably, this sanction has been prolonged indefinitely by Cfxre, citing a series of Tweets posted on my account.

PopcornRP gets off on egotistical vitality by simply re-uploading content from creators such as myself, with little to no changes to quote, "preserve the resources". End quote.

Consequently, I have taken the initiative to entirely remove numerous repositories from my GitHub profile as every little change I make, they take 100% credit for.

I am yet to find anything they have released that is remotely created by themselves and them only.

Should you find yourself in dire need of RPEmotes or Cayo Perico, and wish to support the original creator, you can find them here. I will also be making adjustments, fixes and adding additional content which can only be found in the paid resources and not publicly distributed via GitHub where people such as PrinceAlbert can freely claim ownership of regardless of being asked to remove content that isn't remotely his.


I wish to emphasize that solicitation of funds has never been my practice, though current circumstances necessitate adaptation.

I wish to disclaim any association with Noor_Nahas / PrinceAlbert or PopcornRP and unequivocally disapprove of their actions. However, it is with regret that I acknowledge being subjected to intimidation and censorship by certain members of the Cfxre moderation team.

Yours sincerely,

Tay McKenzie,

RPEmotes and CayoTwoIslands Project Manager

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