Time for a change

Time for a change

Mar 09, 2024

I mean this in the most literal sense. It's Daylight Savings this weekend in the States. One of the two times a year that we get massively confused and our pets look at us at mealtime, or what was mealtime, and demand to know why we are slacking as a pet parent. In this case, we lose and hour of sleep, work, productivity, vacation, or whatever it may be. We may get that hour back, but if the legislative branch of our government can't make up their mind, we'll just keep talking about it instead.

Arizona and Hawai'i will not make the change with the rest of the country, and as a former Arizona resident, I can tell you, I would much rather not have to change back and forth. Set the time and leave it. Much of the world looks to two relevant time positions on the planet and they are UTC (also called Greenwich Mean Time or Zulu) and Eastern Time because most of the world’s banking is handled in NYC. The problem is, we keep moving the second one back and forth.

Okay, it's not a problem for me, I'm a Software Engineer, not a Banker, but we have our own set of issues because we have to set some things dynamically to account for circumstances like this. As someone that is on call this weekend, I have to keep an open eye and ear, but there is not much I can do except tell whoever owns the 'failing' system that their stuff didn't work. Surely, you don't think anything handled by our team would fail. We just happen to be the most visible, so we get the first attention.

In any case, while part of the world tried to figure out if we are on Standard time or Daylight, most of us will just ignore the extra duties that come along with the change, like resetting the clock on the microwave, the wall clock, or even our own wristwatch. (Also, the coffee maker, any VCR's that still may be in the wild, and the clock in our car, just saying.) And, of course, there is managing all of this on an hour less sleep.

I remember while growing up, there used to be a huge reminder campaign around resetting your clocks before going to bed on Saturday night. Now, with everyone having computers, phones, TVs and tablets that automatically adjust, the time change is an afterthought and many people won't even realize it happened except that the sky looks different. In a way, I think I feel bad for those people, wait, no, no I don't.

As far as me changing anything else, nope, its pretty much full steam ahead. I have several projects I'm working on and not enough time in the first place, so an hour won't really influence that too much. But, if you're reading this and haven't changed the time on the microwave from the last change in November, don't worry it’s about to fix itself.

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