PODCAST EPISODE #65 - Waxing lyrical

PODCAST EPISODE #65 - Waxing lyrical

May 07, 2021

A new podcast episode!

For this week's podcast chat, The Long Road discuss all things lyrics and lyricists - the Do's and Don't's, the charms and the pitfalls, the exciting and the not so exciting. Steve Bonham highlights the work of a brilliant compadre of The Long Road's: Paul Bunting; Kev Moore brings us further tales from his Camino travels and The Bishop talks about a pudding that never was.

Big love, Vagabonders x

APPLE PODCASTS https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-65-waxing-lyrical/id1436081661?i=1000520553475

YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/g_Ykl2m-89E

SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/episode/2rBNNuVWuaTiAkcrPa9C9J?si=S-zMwFtoQgOtpaLemyXMgw

SOUNDCLOUD https://soundcloud.com/thevagabondwaypodcast/episode-65-waxing-lyrical/s-7E0sYiySFBD

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