Welcome to your Spanish Language Journey ...

Welcome to your Spanish Language Journey

Jul 03, 2021

Hi everyone and thanks for visiting my profile!

My goal is to create a variety of useful content for all the spanish learners out there.

As a language learner myself I particularly like podcasts, I enjoy listening to them while doing other daily tasks, so even in our busy lives we can always find sometime to keep learning. That's why I also chose the podcast format for most of my content.

At the moment the projects I'm working on are:

"Spanish Common Words": words are the building blocks of any language and in these series of episodes I cover over a 1000 of the most common words in Spanish.

"Short Stories in Spanish": TPRS theory tell us that we learn better through stories, so here I offer some content from basic to intermediate level.

"El Principito": reading books in your target language can be a daunting experience sometimes, to ease the transition, I create an adapted version of this timeless classic for spanish learners, keeping the original meaning but with a more accessible vocabulary.

"Spanish Graded Reader: Sergio Olmos": I found graded books can be very helpful in your learning, the use vocabulary that you're already familiar, and the grammar is limited to the level the student is at. However sometimes the topics can be too childish or not very entertaining to read. That's why I created this original story about a young boy who decides to change his boring life and become a detective, along the way he'll find many friends, adventures and perhaps even some life lessons.

"Spanish Common Expressions": besides allowing us to sound like pros they are very fun and interesting we can have some insight in the culture. I regularly post different expressions with their meanings, origins and some sentence examples.

Other projects in progress are episodes about "Spanish Culture" as well as some more specific grammar subjects.

Follow me so you don't miss this chance to bring your Spanish to the next level!

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