I feel like no one likes me or appreciat ...

I feel like no one likes me or appreciates me

Apr 27, 2021

Did any of us get trained on self-love while growing up? I don't think so. And today most of us find it difficult to love ourselves, accept ourselves. We are dependent on others validation. We look up to the standards created by the society. In India, it is worst. Everything is tagged under "tradition". How a girl should behave? how a woman should behave? what a man's responsibilities are? everything has to be as per the so called traditions.

Isn't it our first right to love ourselves before we love anyone else? I have been a victim of self-depreciation most of my life and I realized at the age of 37 that I need to self-love and self-care!

Well, I am still learning but let me share some handy tips for you to start -

  1. Know yourself: List down your attributes. All your qualities you inhibit. Remember there is no good or bad qualities. List down if you are impulsive, emotionally sensitive, bisexual, short tempered, kind, selfish, etc. Just list it down.

  2. Tag the attributes which can hurt others: Now tag the qualities which can hurt others like being short tempered or being aggressive. Please note we are talking here about physical or mental abuse to others. Being bisexual hurts the "tradition" aspect. It does not hurt anyone physically or mentally.

  3. Achievements: List down your achievements, no matter how small. If you can memorize film songs, list it down. Do not think of what others think as achievement. Think of the achievements which make you feel proud or nice about

  4. Focus: Now that you know all your attributes, you have tagged the attributes which can be harmful to others physically or mentally & you have listed down your achievements. Now its time you focus on the attributes which have led to those achievements. Amplify those attributes. Add more to them. Learn more about them. See how you can master them.

  5. Give yourself break: Don't be too hard on yourself. Take time to relax. Take time to rest. Give yourself a nice beauty time. Go for a nature walk. Do things which will soothe you within.

Remember you are unique & there is no one else like you. Do what you feel like doing without hurting others. Make this journey yours by not comparing yourself with others. Live everyday like there is no tomorrow. Live for yourself, love yourself first & the whole world will love you.

Lots of love to you already!

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