Tiffany Julia
10 sostenitori
Hello Lovelies!

Hello Lovelies!

Feb 15, 2021

I'm so grateful to have you here. I've toyed A LOT with finding the perfect spot for monetizing my creative content and to be honest, I could never find it. If you've been with me long enough, you'd know that I tried Patreon for about a year and well, Patreon just wasn't for me. I had set mine up to act like a "tip jar" but I still felt the need to create special content for it every month. And that's what I didn't want. I really wanted a tip jar.

So then I moved over to the Mighty Networks platform thinking a lovely little community with a "tip jar" feature like Patreon would be nice. But I quickly began to realize it's very hard to start and maintain a community when no one but yourself posts in it! It was quite discouraging because I really didn't know how to engage my members at all. Everything I did wasn't working. So I decided to go back to the basics.

Lo and behold, I found Buy Me A Coffee. And it's exactly what I've been looking for!

It's basically a tip jar. You can tip whatever amount anytime you want. There are no subscriptions to worry about. No rewards to think up. You just tip whenever you feel like supporting my work.

BUT there's also the option for a little membership, if you wish to support me on a monthly basis. I'm keeping this membership super low key as what I really want to get from it is a deeper connection with those who wish to support me in that way. I want us to have a conversation and get to know each other better. I hopefully want to grow a little community here. I'm also using it to beta test my unraveling journal course ebook thing I'm working on. So if you're interested in journaling for self exploration and self growth, that may be something you'd be into!

Anyway, whichever route you chose, I'm incredibly grateful for your support. Truly, I'm so happy that you've enjoyed the content I create and that you wish to support me in my creative journey. It really means the world to me. Literally every little thing--from a nice comment to a purchase from my shop--all of it means so much. So thank you my friend. You are the best. xx

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