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Artwork Inspired by My Stalker, John Kir ...

Artwork Inspired by My Stalker, John Kirszenberg

Apr 10, 2022

John is an obsessed creep. Apparently, he's going to spend his remaining days on Earth as an obsessed cyber-stalker. He's had four years to mess with me. He had me cancelled from Dark Matter and still he persists. I decided to capture the essense of this perverse Internet weirdo in art.

This piece is on a large sheet of masonite. I've used acrylic and charcoal so far. I plan to go full multimedia and include materials cropped from the lawsuit I filed against him.

It's clear I have a stalker for life and I'm resigned to it. It's cool. He's not going to be around for more than ten or twenty years so I'll outlive him, which means I do win in the end.

Unless, that is, his intentions are homicidal.

I'll post updates on the work as I go.

Tim Ozman

IPR, Host

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