Pre-BotW Ganlink Snippet: "A Sweet Roman ...

Pre-BotW Ganlink Snippet: "A Sweet Romance"

May 22, 2023

Another snippet due to content guidelines. Sigh. Found this one while reviewing my fics. I think this one was previously posted on Patreon and nowhere else, because I can't find it either here or on AO3.




The Hylian Champion was tiny. Ganondorf knew looks were deceiving, but he couldn’t help but find his gaze trailing back again and again to the wiry form. The Champion -- Link -- all but ignored him in return, which allowed Ganondorf to peruse at his leisure. He took it as payment for the mild insult Link gave. Princess Zelda separated from them mere minutes ago, escorted by the Gerudo Champion Urbosa herself, and was safe behind the guarded walls of Gerudo Town, yet Link still stared, fretfully and unblinking, at the entrance like a Molduga was going to break in.

“Try to distract him,” Urbosa had told Ganondorf, punching his shoulder. “These kids. Going to give themselves a heart attack long before the battle starts.”

Spoken like she wasn’t pleased to have Zelda on her own for a while. Still, staring at Link with his fair skin flushing in the desert sun, Ganondorf couldn’t say he minded. Link reminded him of desert berries, delicious and ripe for the picking.

“They will not return any time soon, Link.” Link. Ganondorf tasted the name on his tongue. A fine name, one which rolled so sweetly from his lips. Perfect and familiar in a way Ganondorf couldn’t pinpoint. All of Urbosa’s stories leading up to this meeting, perhaps.

Link tore his gaze from the town to stare at him, blue eyes so big and anxious Ganondorf felt them tug on his sternum. He looked like a faithful hound abandoned by its master. One who, if Urbosa hadn’t assigned Ganondorf to babysit, would probably already be sneaking his way inside.

Link frowned at him before turning back to Gerudo Town. Not a word. Urbosa had not exaggerated. Ganondorf felt his lips curve into a smile. How charming.

It made him wonder what noises he could coax from him…

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