How to write a good short story

How to write a good short story

Aug 29, 2021

Before Writing Down the Story

1. Identify Audience: Writing short stories require us to identify our audience by age, gender, and cultural affiliation. We have to know their interests and needs to capture and interact with them.

2. Choose a Topic of the Story: After identifying our audience, choose a topic or central theme to brainstorm new ideas. Identify specific problems and write down all new ideas.

3. Create Detailed Construction of the Story: Do not limit ideas instead write as many as possible to come up with a more detailed construction of the story.

4. Come up with a Strong Main Character A unique and strong main character that readers can relate to is important to build readers' excitement. He/she must be distinguished and highlighted among other characters that he/she does not need to be named every scene but tone and behaviour alone are consistent not to confuse readers.

Writing Content for Your Short Story.

5. Beginning: Describe Event & Place of the Story: Create a beginning that does not drive away readers but keeps them intrigued and curious. Introduce the characters and describe the main character's desires and goals. Describe an event and place where the story takes place and name the characters.

  • 6. Name the Characters of the Story: By describing, we have to show it to the readers instead of telling them which meant using sensory language or adjectives. Characters must be alive through the readers' imagination.

7. Conflict: Mind-Blowing Action: Conflict will always be the driving force of the main character’s emotion and how she/he acts on an issue and events. Thereby reaching the climax of the story must be mind-blowing as an effect of the accumulated emotion from the rising action.

8. Develop the Main Character's Personality: Falling action moulds and further develop the main character's personality in the sense that he/she has a clearer perspective and maturity. He/she will deal with the consequences of her decision and action.

9. Influence Readers with the Ending of the Story :

Finally, the ending will evaluate if the main character fails or succeed in solving the conflict. But the most important is the story's impact on readers' perspective and understanding of the main point.

While writing a short story seems simple, it has to have an ingredient that allows readers to learn and understand points that seem unknown to them from the beginning.

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