I AM at Peace with Reality.

I AM at Peace with Reality.

Jan 21, 2021

I am at peace with reality.

Practicing Peace helps me to reduce the discomfort in my life and make wiser decisions. I learn to be happy with what I have even when it is different from what I want.

I am at peace with myself. I love my body and mind. I embrace my strengths and the areas where I need to grow. I have confidence in myself while being realistic about my abilities.

I am at peace with others. I appreciate who they are instead of trying to change them. I respect their choice and create healthy boundaries. My relationships are built on mutual understanding and respect.

I accept blessings and hardships. I acknowledge that life is full of experiences that I may like or dislike. I remember that adversity can teach me valuable lessons and help me to build my character. 

I focus on my wants, needs and desires that I will manifest within the next 24 -48 hours. I live in the present, forgiving my yesterdays, releasing what does not serve me, knowing that my future is being created by each choice I make. I act upon promptings that are happening right now instead of wishing for something else. I develop solutions and take responsibility for my actions.

I let go of regrets. I liberate myself from anger and frustration. I give myself Grace. & often

I distinguish between facts, feelings and emotions. I ask others for feedback and listen with an open mind to different points of view and seek out like thinkers, do'rs and action takers.

Today, I connect with reality. I choose Peace. I choose to co-create, cross pollinate, collaborate to raise the vibration of the collective. Peace enables me to move ahead in life. I am at Peace with Reality.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How does denial hold me back?

  2. What is the difference between Peace and conflict?

  3. Why does peace sometimes require courage?

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