Kos Ivantsov
6 sostenitori
OmegaT project → Excel

OmegaT project → Excel

Feb 02, 2022

Just finished updating a cool script that exports the whole OmegaT project into an Excel file.

The first worksheet in that file is like a Master sheet, it contains links to other sheets, one per each project file.

Now this script supports a few new optional features:

  • Segment ID for each segment (applicable only for some file types)

  • Translator’s ID of the segment’s translation creator

  • Translator’s ID of the segment’s translation editor

  • Segment notes

  • Visual marks to show segments’ uniqueness or repetitions

  • Visual marks for alternative translations

  • Visual marks for untranslated segments

  • Visual marks for paragraph boundaries

Download links:
SF.net repository
GitHub repository

To learn a bit more, see the blog post.

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