Building or Burning Bridges: Libra Lunar ...

Building or Burning Bridges: Libra Lunar Eclipse

Mar 27, 2024

When you are presented with the same situations over and over, you have to do something different. 

All the areas of imbalance, injustice, indecision, unfairness, uncertainty along with the karmic lessons of being burned by love’s inferno, or an old flame, has left us worn but wiser. Other people can make our lives a heaven or hell. And we can chain ourselves to key people whom we give the power to affect us in such profound ways.

Patterns can be hard to break, especially when they are ingrained from childhood or indelibly imprinted in our soul’s history. What matters is seeing them for what they are and realizing we have a very important part to play, even when we feel our hands are tied.

The lunar eclipse in Cycle 7 (Libra, the Scales) is not about finding balance but addressing areas of imbalance - weighing up those places where you are doing too much, or feel you are doing too little, where you feel it’s one-sided when it should be a shared experience. Without willingness on both sides, there’s no true relationship. Without give and take, compromise and cooperation what are we really involved in?

And bridges need solid supports on both sides, or you’re both lost in the ravine between.

Reacting to mistreatment with the old “eye for an eye” mindset is certain to set up further karma that will only need facing later on, but what are we meant to do, turn a blind eye or turn the other cheek? Where could our actions or lack of action be contributing to our suffering?

Everyone we have ever ‘danced’ with us life’s grand ballroom, from those we have effortlessly waltzed with, to those who smashed bottles and threw fists, all come into focus in the weeks and months ahead.  But especially the ones we have strong feelings about, for better and for worse.

Who we interacted with and HOW we did so, and the unhealthy patterns developed on both sides. These resurface under the spotlight of a lunar eclipse in the sign of Relationship.

Spot the pattern, break the pattern, release the karma.

It’s not about the person, it’s about the pattern.

Don’t get lost trying to figure anyone out now and miss a chance to check your own participation and involvement. Notice when you’re in a re-run of an old saga. Choose which reactions and storylines to cancel. And choose which interactions, entanglements, agreements and involvements no longer need you, or deserve you, and which contracts need updating along with your rules of engagement. 

What we allow, continues. 

And how we treat ourselves continues to be a template for how others can and will treat us. And yes, life will always offer a plethora of people to piss us off. 

Ignoring any repeating patterns is an invitation for them to recycle through your experience with a greater frequency and urgency, but this eclipse period is a chance to clear this karmic crud when we stop and observe, before offering our energy into the mix. Even when situations seem pointless and a momentum taking place without you, never underestimate how much your energy is shaping the situation.

Is this a dance you want to participate it? Is this a conflict you can avoid? What’s your expectation ? Have you made your position clear? Does this even require a response or reaction?

It’s less about who is pushing buttons and more to do with the the existence of the very buttons themselves. We all have ‘triggers’ and this period reveals these to us and our relationships with others is the playground in which we meet them. 

It has to be said, however, that we can’t overlook the person delivering the pattern. If we are visiting a hardware store looking for turnips, we’re in the wrong place. If we’re looking to be heard by someone who doesn’t care to listen to us, we’re in the wrong place.  What are you expecting to return to you? And is your investment bringing you any peace of mind or soul security ?

Are you looking in the wrong place?

Our relationship to ourselves is also factored in here. We often forget that, when dealing Libra/Cycle 8 energies which are very “other” oriented. 

Your participation is everything now. Your withdrawal too. If it’s true that what you focus on grows, what and whom do you wish to see flourish, and what/whom do you wish to weed or see wither from your garden?

Choose your giving and your reacting and responding with more conscious care. 

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