The Benefits Of Decluttering Your Home

The Benefits Of Decluttering Your Home

May 05, 2021

The Benefits Of Decluttering Your Home

By Jo Watt

Have you ever heard a cluttered house is the result of a cluttered mind? Ever noticed when you go to a Day Spa you instantly feel relaxed? The reason for this is because these places tend to be a clean & minimal environment created to instil peace & relaxation.

Ever heard of Feng Shui? The Chinese knew all about energy and chi and how clutter can affect the energy in your living environment. Follow the links for more information on Feng Shui:

Take notice of your home. Do you have clothes lying on the floor? Dishes in the sink, books lying everywhere or just over filled wardrobes? Everything we possess holds energy, and when we have cluttered lives this affects our energy and wellbeing. So the more we care for our environment, it takes care of us.

Our home is a direct reflection of how we take care of ourselves. Is it messy, cluttered and disorganised or is it well kept, organised, beautiful and full of things you love and cherish?

A messy home adds stress to our life. While we can’t control what is outside of us, we do have control over our own home environment.

Recently this year I discovered Marie Kondo and the KonMari Method of Tidying which took me through a massive process of decluttering and finding what Sparks Joy in my life and discarding the rest. It was truly an empowering experience and I’d highly recommend it. She has a series on Netflix and several books and a course which you can find here:

Here are some of the benefits of decluttering your life:

  • You feel so much more empowered when you can decide what stays and what goes which makes you feel more confident in your decision making process. With the KonMari method you basically sort based on the category then hold an item to your heart and ask “Does this Spark Joy?” and if you get a YES or an excited sort of feeling it is something you keep. If it feels lifeless and doesn’t spark any joy, you give it away and thank it for its service in your life.

  • When your space is more organised it is easier to find things and its decreases anxiety and stress. Everything is more efficient because you can find it!

  • It is an energising experience when you can finally see your floor or see progress with your cleaning. Plus you find just how many double ups you have brought of an item.

  • The space feels fresh & clean and it boosts your mood and makes you feel calm and happy.

  • The more you let go, the more you then can welcome other things into your life.

So how do we keep out home clutter free?

If you have something that isn’t useful, helpful, being used or doesn’t spark joy let it go! Not only does letting it go make you feel lighter, but you also feel good for giving away something to someone else who will value it.

Sometimes we just buy things because we are addicted to spending and just filling a hole to make ourselves feel better. This only creates more clutter and a hole in your bank account.

In order for us to become mindful and aware of our habits we first need to get in touch with why it is we feel the need to have so much stuff. When you become aware of the problem and why it is you have a cluttered space, then you can change it. It all comes down to whether we want something or whether we need it. If something truly sparks joy, you will cherish it, whereas if you buy something but don’t value it, it is just causing more clutter and bad energy in your home. The best thing we can learn is to let go and focus on keeping the things that truly spark joy.

Here are 7 Things to Donate or Throw Away:

  • Clothing you haven’t worn in over a year or clothing with holes. You can always donate clothes still in good condition to Vinnies or Salvos shops

  • Paperwork more than 7 years old. Shred and recycle.

  • Stained towels that have holes in them.

  • Anything uncomfortable whether it is furniture or shoes.

  • That old 3 year old bottle of sauce and mouldy vegetables still sitting in the pantry or fridge that’s past its expiry date and is growing a life of its own. Throw it out!

  • Odd socks that have been swallowed by the washing machine. If it is missing its pair get rid of it.

  • Anything that’s been unused in a year. This can be cosmetics, old books that you never read, things you never use. If you don’t use it, give it to someone who will value it.

What ways do you like to declutter?


Watt Unifies Me does not diagnose, prescribe and treat medical conditions and this blog is sharing information for educational purposes only. Always seek medical advice from a trained and licensed medical professional

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