Ukrainian traditional costume: embroider ...

Ukrainian traditional costume: embroidery - part 2

Mar 23, 2023

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Satin stitch (гладь, лиштва, настилування) techniques also vary.

There is a freeform satin stitch that just fills a certain areas. It's typical for central parts of Ukraine, like Poltava region.


There is also counted satin stitch, so the elements of embroidery are perfectly even.

(source with tutorial)
There are numerous examples of such embroidery. Straight satin stitch is made along the fabric threads:


Angled satin stitch is made at 45 degrees to the fabric threads:

Also the embroidery can fill freeform shapes, but every piece of it is made in tiny squares - brick satin stitch:


Satin stitch can be made in perfect rectangles - rolling pin (качалочка):


There is also an interesting technique called nightingale's eyes (солов'їні вічка): all stitches form a square and go to a single spot, so a hole is made.

This type of satin stitch can create a look similar to excision, yet different, as you don't need to hem any edges.


Stringing (низь, низинка) is method of creating the patterns with a straight stitch.

(source with video tutorial)
It can be monochrome, then you see a "negative" of the pattern on the back:

Or colorful:


To be continued...

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